My Trembling Heart

My heart wonders as I hear you call my name
My mind ponders as I hear Your voice
I don’t understand why You ask this of me
My body trembles as Your Words enters me

“Speak,” You say
“Fight in My army
Take My shield
Take My helmet
Take My flaming sword
Make a stand
Rise My voice
Make it heard in this land
They may turn you away
But it is I who they turn from
Their hearts have gone cold
Their words are for show
They care more of themselves
And their righteousness
Then the truth in My words
They fight and bitter among themselves
Twisting My righteousness to fit their lives
Thinking that I’m a God who
Does not anger at their wrongness
Speak these words for edification and exhortation
And My comfort will come to them and you
I call to your heart to speak to the hearts of man
I call to your mind so they will know I see their sinful ways
I know you tremble; this is why I call on you
They will know when it is Me who speaks from you
I have honored you as you have honored me
This is the gift I have imparted because I know your heart
Make MY stand….”

I understand

Cassondra Taulbee-Johnson

May 26, 2016

Pick-Up My Flaming Sword

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